Feeling nervous while returning home alone? On the bus, is there a stranger giving you a peculiar vibe? The following explanation is about women’s self-defense tips using the best tactics and tools by Lock and Load Boutique. The majority of us have experienced it. In a poll conducted in January 2018 of 1,000 women across the country, 81% said they had ever been the subject of sexual harassment, assault, or both. In most cases, harassment was verbal, although 51% of women reported being touched or grabbed inappropriately, and 27% of women endured sexual assault.

It makes a big difference to know what to do next and how to help yourself if you are ever in physical danger, even if you have never experienced it. According to a University of Oregon research, women who took a self-defense course believed they:

  • Had more effective safety measures in place
  • They were more capable of handling potential violence or abuse from both
  • strangers and familiar faces; felt better about their bodies, and had more self-confidence

Where Should You Focus?

Pay close attention to your attacker’s eyes, nose, throat, and groin areas. Direct all the following moves to make the most significant impact at one or more of these spots. Avert shooting at the chest; usually doesn’t work. A precise kick needed to aim for the knees can be too dangerous for an average person. That’s why to try to avoid these parts of the body.

During execution, exert all of your strength and aggressiveness. Make it clear that you are a strong woman. Also, use your voice. Be loud and rude to dissuade the aggressor and draw attention in case anyone is close.

Women Self-Defense Tips:

The following are the women’s self-defense tips you should know.

Groin Kick

A groin kick may be powerful enough to knock down an assailant approaching you directly from the front, allowing you to flee. To execute:

  • As much as you can, maintain your balance.
  • Drive your knee up by raising your dominant leg off of the ground.
  • Lean back slightly, stretch your dominant leg, and kick powerfully, making contact with the attacker’s groin with your lower shin or foot’s ball.

Hammer Strike

Your car keys are amongst the most straightforward tactics to safeguard and protect yourself. Avoid using your fingernails because doing so puts your hands at greater risk of injury. Alternatively, if you lack confidence when out at night, hold your keys in your fist so they can be used as a hammer. You can even use your keys to strike your assailant by attaching them to a lanyard.

To execute:

  • The keys on your key ring should protrude from the edge of your hand when you hold it tightly like a hammer.
  • Strike your target with a downward thrust.

Heel And Palm Strike

This maneuver has the potential to harm the throat or nose. Get as much of your body as you can towards the face of your adversary to execute.

To execute:

  • Flex your wrist in your dominant hand.
  • Either aim for the attacker’s nose, jabbing upwards towards the nostrils, or aim for the throat, jabbing upward from underneath the attacker’s chin.
  • Reverse your attack if necessary. The attacker’s head can be rapidly raised and pushed to the back by quickly pulling your arm back.
  • It will make your assailant stumble, letting you escape their hands.

Elbow Strikes To Perform

Use your elbows if your assailant is nearby and you cannot gather enough momentum to deliver a powerful punch or kick.

To execute:

  • Stain yourself with a firm core and legs to ensure a hard blow.
  • Your attacker’s neck, jawline, chin, or temple can be struck with your elbow by bending your arm at the elbow and shifting your weight forward. All of these are potent weapons.
  • It can make your assailant relax their hold, allowing you to flee.

Other Safety Tips

You can put the following advice into practice to defend yourself from an attack;

  • Aim to avoid returning alone. Call somebody to escort you or join a crowd. Travel through well-lit places and stay out of the shadows.
  • If you experience strange feelings, go into a coffee or tea cafe and seek help.
  • Carry safety items like a personal safety alarm, a lipstick stinger, pepper spray, or other practical self-defense items.

Try to stay calm when you are being attacked. You will be better able to counterattack the more at ease your stay. Try to remain calm. Maintain complete focus while responding. Attempt to converse with the abuser as you formulate your plan.

Attempt to notify the cops as immediately as you can. Additionally, pay attention to any strange feelings you may have toward someone. Believe in yourself, make a quick break, or call for assistance.

How To Escape From A Bear Hug Attack?

You should utilize this move when the enemy is approaching from behind. Concentrate on sinking low and making room for yourself to be free.

To execute:

  • Extend your waist forward. Your weight will be shifted forward, making it harder for your opponent to lift you. Additionally, it provides an improved stance to fling elbows at the assailant’s face from side to side.
  • Continue counterattacking by angling one of your elbows at the attacker.
  • You should have enough room to pivot fully and use another move to hurt the face or hit the groin. You can flee and run away using the space that these actions have created.

Getting Out Of A Side Headlock

Your initial thought should be to free yourself to prevent being choked when the assailant wraps his arms over your head from either side.

To execute:

  • To avoid getting choked, turn to the attacker’s side as much as possible.
  • Until you’ve gained enough movement to swivel your head entirely out to disengage, slap the groin with a loose hand that is the furthest away.

Hands-Trap Escape

Here’s what to do if your assailant grabs your arms from behind (it will feel like a tight hug, but you won’t be capable of moving as freely):

  • Stopping your attacker’s arms from advancing farther into a headlock should be your initial response. Your hips should move to one side. It creates a chance for open-handed slaps to the groin.
  • As you turn into the wrap, elevate the opposing elbow and bring your hand up a little bit to your arms. As you turn in, keep your arms close to your chest.
  • Keep attacking using your knees and other counterattacks until you free yourself.

What A Women Should Know

Here are the tactics and mind games a woman should know while learning or beginning to learn self-defense. These tricks will help you get the advantage and win the fight.

Mind Preparation and Physical Capacity

You can learn to defend yourself both physically and mentally through self-defense. It’s normal for your mind to respond to how it feels in a stressful circumstance. Self-defense instruction stresses that defending yourself is the “natural” reaction instead of cowering or fleeing.

Your mind struggles to adapt when stressed if you have not received the correct training. Therefore, the best way to learn how to defend yourself is through intense training. You can survive in various circumstances if you plan for the most extreme possibilities.

Your cardiovascular system becomes more active as a result of self-defense training. Your heart and lungs then function more effectively as a result. You become more active, which raises your metabolism and results in weight loss.

Verbal Boundaries

Impressive language abilities can be used in self-defense. When a predator talks to you, he’s “interviewing” you to determine if you’ll be a good target.

Even if an angry verbal exchange can be intimidating, you must have the strength to convince the assailant that he chose the wrong victim. You’ll undoubtedly “fail” his interview if you stand tall, maintain your composure, and speak forcefully and assertively. Your voice alone can make him look for more uncomplicated prey.

Keep the Tactics Simple

Fine motor skills are lost as a result of adrenaline release. You have fewer chances of executing a joint lock or high kick as time passes. Learn fundamental techniques, and stick to them regardless of martial art.