Sticky Holster uses Compression and Friction to Stick to your Body or Waistband for Easy Draw.
- Fits Small Semi-Autos up to 3.3″Ambidextrous.
- Fits in Pocket or Inside Waistband Easily
Models Available:
LG-2 Fits Glock 19, 23, 25, 32, 38 Mag Research-Baby Eagle, Ruger-SR-9
MD-3 Fits Bersa-380 CC, Walther-PPK, PPKs, Makerove, Sig P230/232, Sig P938
MD-4 Fits Glock 26, 27, 28, 29, 33, 36, 39, Ruger-SR9c, S & W-M&Pc, Shield, Springfield XDs
- SM-2 Fits 380 Semi-Autos to 2.75 bbl, Kel-Tec-P32, P3AT, Rohrbaugh-R9, Ruger-LCP
MD-5 Fits Revolvers, J-frame revolvers to 2.125″ barrel, Ruger LCR, Taurus
- LG-6 Fits Fullsize Semi Autos 4-5″ Barrel, FN, HK, M&P,Sig, Springfield, Glock 21 & 37
- MD-1 Fits Small semi Autos to 3.3″ barrel, Ruger LC9, Kel Tec PF9/1, Kahr PM/CM, Glock 42 w/o lasers
- LG-3 Fits Glock 17, 22, 20, 31
If your model of pistol is not listed, please contact us.**Discounts do not apply to this item